Jun 1, 2015

Measuring Client Satisfaction

At Creative Arc, we're constantly striving to improve - our business, our skills, our clients' websites. 

At the beginning of the year, we started using a new (to us) service called Client Heartbeat (www.clientheartbeat.com).  This is a 4 question survey, sent to our clients quarterly, to keep a finger on the pulse of how we're doing.  The survey measures 4 qualities: Partnership, Accuracy, Helpfulness and Promptness.  Our clients can rate us on a 1-10 scale in each of these categories in less than a minute.  Because we have an ongoing relationship with so many of our clients, making small changes to their sites sometimes on an almost daily basis, we think it will be really interesting to see the ebb and flow of using the exact same measurements quarterly.

This last quarter was definitely a challenging one for Creative Arc.  We had a number of new site launches (FIVE in May alone!) and extremely time consuming projects with tight deadlines.  Although we sometimes struggled internally to keep up with all of the demands, I'm so proud to say that it wasn't felt (too strongly) by our customers as we saw improvements in our ratings in each category.  I think this can be contributed to the "get it done" attitude shared by every person in our company.  

First Quarter 2015


Second Quarter 2015

I think it's said best by Ryan Madson at Travel Tags: 


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