Apr 7, 2021

How to Get More Actionable Feedback for Your Business

Companies live or die by the way they use feedback. Actionable comments given by customers can drastically improve the service you provide. Otherwise ignoring them can lead to devastating consequences. By craving feedback from each customer, your business will have a healthy ecosystem of customers making it successful. So what can you do about it right now?

Read and Respond to Reviews

People do not like to take risks. In the past, customers would rely on the opinions of reviewers in the newspaper to point to the trendiest eateries and businesses in town. But with the Internet, everyone has a voice, making it essential to acknowledge each one.

Read every review that you can. While some of them won’t be very helpful, other reviews may have valuable insights you can use to improve the customer’s experience. Respond to every review that you can with an upbeat and accommodating attitude. Not only will customers be able to elaborate, but other readers can also see that you care about the quality of your business. Reviews are key!

Listen to Your Customers

While digital reviews are one way to generate actionable feedback, you can’t ignore the people who are actually inside your establishment. As soon as someone walks through your doors, you should be welcoming and friendly. Ask them what they are looking for, and take care to help them find it.

During these instances, you will usually be able to gather important information. Why did they come to your business? Is it their first time visiting? Were they satisfied with what they found? Customers have different preferences for communicating, which you should respect. So if they don’t seem chatty, possibly pursue an indirect mode of communication like email.

Consistently Follow Up

One of the best ways to find customer input is by quickly following up with them. You can do this by gathering customer data like an email or phone number when they are checking out. If they ordered by mail, you could request their email to ask them about the product later.

Consistent follow up will help you understand what they thought about your product, if they would buy it again, and if they would recommend it to someone else. These can say a lot about your current business model and product, which is worth revising or reconsidering after the input.

These three steps will provide you with excellent feedback that you can use. Without action items, you will be left scratching your heads when no customers patronize your business. More information is always better.

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