Aug 1, 2024

Don’t lose your leads!

Website intake or contact forms are essential tools for collecting information from visitors. These forms are typically used to gather inquiries, feedback, or details for further engagement. Example intake forms are: "Contact us", lead generation, registration, or feedback/survey forms.

These forms trigger a "transactional emails", which are automated emails sent to individuals based on specific actions they take on a website or application. Utilizing a dedicated transactional email service, such as Postmark or Mailgun, can significantly enhance the reliability, security, and efficiency of your email delivery system.

Lately, many of our clients have had delivery issues with the tighter email delivery guidelines enforced by Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. Instead of having emails originate on your website server we recommend using a transactional email service.

These services offer powerful analytics and tracking capabilities, demonstrated in the image below. Services like Postmark and Mailgun provide detailed insights into email delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, and bounce rates. These metrics allow businesses to monitor the performance of their email campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize their email strategies. Furthermore, these platforms often offer easy integration with various applications and provide robust APIs, enabling businesses to automate their email workflows and scale their operations efficiently.

Transactional Email Analytics

Transactional email services offer superior deliverability. These platforms are designed to ensure that your emails reach the recipient's inbox, rather than getting lost in spam folders. Postmark and Mailgun, for instance, have robust infrastructures and maintain high reputations with email providers, which means they are less likely to be flagged as spam. This is crucial for transactional emails, such as password resets, order confirmations, and account notifications, where timely and guaranteed delivery is essential.

Using a transactional email service enhances security. These services often provide advanced security features, including SSL encryption and DMARC compliance, which protect sensitive information contained in transactional emails. Additionally, they offer features like two-factor authentication and IP whitelisting, which add extra layers of security to your email delivery process. By leveraging these security measures, businesses can safeguard customer data and maintain trust.

Utilizing a transactional email service such as Postmark or Mailgun offers numerous benefits, including enhanced deliverability, improved security, and powerful analytics. These advantages not only ensure that critical transactional emails reach their intended recipients promptly but also provide businesses with the tools they need to maintain security and optimize their communication strategies. For any business or website looking to streamline their email delivery process, investing in a dedicated transactional email service is a prudent and strategic decision.

We have helped many of our customers integrate their website with a transactional email service. Contact us if you'd like to learn more!

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